Monday, October 12, 2009

Pictures are up!

All of you should have received an email with a link to pictures of the reunion on my Picasa site. If you took pictures (or movies!) at the reunion, please add them to the album, or make one of your own and share it with us.

I can't begin to express how happy I was to see everyone - the reunion was so much fun.

If I've made mistakes, please add comments to the pictures to correct them.

We really missed all of you who weren't able to make it - we hope you enjoy the pictures!

(And Charlie, don't panic - as soon as I get the original picture file from Carolyn Baker, I'll PhotoShop you in!!)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It just isn't my destiny to see my childhood friends

I regret to let you, my classmates, know that after a year of looking forward to seeing everyone again -- the fickle finger of fate has pointed at Hal and I again. Hal had to have artery surgery rather unexpectly the first of September. We thought it would be no big, big deal, and he would be ready for travel long before the reunion. Unfortunately, he contracted an infection and had to have his belly opened three weeks after surgery -- he is finally home from the hospital -- but he is attached to a wound pump, and I am giving him intravenous antibiotics daily as well. He feels well enough to come to Russellville, but the doctor prefers he stay in NC until he is through with treatment. We are both very disappointed with this turn of events, since we were looking forward to seeing everyone. Incidentally, the last reunion a similar thing happened-- so I guess it is not my destiny to get back home and relive the happy years I spent in Russellville.

Hope everyone has a great time and we will be thinking of you. Best regards to all --
Shirley Kirby Wood

Monday, August 24, 2009

...still scanning

I'm still scanning old pictures and have added some new ones to albums already posted. I think I'm coming to the end of the road, and you guys now have access to everything I have. But I AM the OCD Queen, so if I come across more, I won't be able to stop myself from scanning them. Just a friendly warning.

Here are all the links in one place:

For our graduation announcement, click HERE.

For a variety of class pictures, click HERE.

For more class pictures (probably some repeats...), click HERE.

For our commencement program, click HERE.

For girls playing in the snow at Cathy Carver's house, click HERE.

For the Junior High school girls' and boys' choruses, click HERE.

For Cathy Carver's (really Hazel's) senior scrapbook, click HERE.

For pictures from our 10th Reunion in Bowling Green, click HERE.

For our kindergarten pictures, click HERE.

For our formal graduation portrait and more recent snapshots of me with Carolyn Wilson Mallory and Pat Pepper Boleware (I'm not claiming organization is my strong point...), click HERE.

And for our yearbook photos, click HERE.

For RHS 1969 Misc. Snapshots (includes some senior trip pix), click HERE.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jim Dodson makes a Fast Getaway!

Jim sent this tonight - take a listen, these guys are good!! I'm all ready to sing along with Mustang Sally...."ride, Sally, ride..." They'll be playing for us from 8 to 11. If you haven't already made your plans to attend the reunion, this should get you moving. Send your check and registration information to Sharon Blackwell Kirkpatrick and don't miss out!

From Jim....
We finally got our website up and running. It is There are photos, a playlist, scheduled events, 3 recordings of songs we do, and bios of hopefully everyone as soon as the rest of them get their rear ends in gear. 3 out of 6 so far is not very bad. Most of you probably remember Jimmie Warden, who played drums in the Monarchs for years.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Article from Pat Pepper Boleware

Pat came across this article in the Knoxville News Sentinel and clipped it out. Wow. We really were part of the cutting edge generation. I mean, just Sesame Street alone...!!

Don't you wish you'd had the money to buy a home that year!

Just click on the picture to enlarge the image so you can read it.

Or, you can find it HERE.

Monday, August 17, 2009

More pictures

I'm scanning them as I come to them, guys. Pat Pepper Boleware says I'm very brave, but I think I'm finally old enough to risk the ridicule. =)

For pictures of Russellville Junior High Choruses, Spring 1965, click HERE.

For pictures of some of the girls playing in the snow at my house, I'm guessing maybe spring of 1965, click HERE.

A hodgepodge of individual class photos - of the type we traded with one another. I was unsure of years. I'll edit them if you can identify the years for me. Click HERE to see them.

And to see our commencement program, click HERE.

Sorry the quality isn't better, but between the age of the pictures, the original quality, and putting them through a scanner, they suffer.

I'll add more as I find them.

By the way, if any of you have pictures you want to share, feel free. If you'd prefer for me to post them, just email them to me and I'll get them up.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Senior Scrapbook

Okay, everybody. I'm posting this thing, but you can't laugh. Right. Well, the thing is, this scrapbook was compiled by my mother, Hazel Carver. Those of you who knew her well, will see her handiwork all over the place. LOTS of tape, and LOTS of embarrassing clippings concerning me. Luckily, she didn't include a newspaper article singing my praises when I was potty-trained. Don't know how she missed that one.

So, apologies aside - it's a LOT of stuff to wade through, but I had forgotten a huge percentage of it and thought you guys might enjoy cruising through it. And you have the advantage of doing it without exposure to dust mites and mold!!

To view it, click HERE.

Hey. Did I just hear someone snickering?